The Beam Instrumentation Group is responsible for designing, building and maintaining the instruments that allow observation of the particle beams and the measurement of related parameters for all CERN accelerators and transfer lines. More...
BI Highlights 2024
- Introduction to the Linac4 Bunch Shape Monitor (BSM) - Jocelyn TAN /BI-XEI
- What is a TDC and how it is used/validated for LHC and ISOLDE systems - Georgia SOURPI /BI-PM
- Absolute Calibration of Fast Beam Current Transformers: Design, Development, and Analysis- Joao Francisco MARAFUZ GASPAR /BI-IQ
- Inside the Experimental Areas: Work of XEI - Wilfried DEVAUCHELLE /BI-XEI
- Grids manufacturing for BSG monitors: wire Vs bands - Christophe VUITTON /BI-ML
- Beam-Induced Damage on Instrumentation: numerical methods to predict them and practical examples of damages - Ryan Paul CAMILLERI /BI-PM
- Design and production of the front-end electronics of the oBLM- Jose Carlos ESTEBAN FELIPE /BI-BL
- The ATS SoC framework: an introduction to the project - Irene DEGL'INNOCENTI /BI-BP
- Status of Integrating SoC Based Data Acquisition Systems in the Control System - Elif BALCI /BI-SW
- Overview of the AWAKE programmed and related BI challenges for the next years - Collette PAKUZA /BI-PM
- The upgrade of the AWAKE BPM system: plans and expected performances - Laurence STANT /BI-BP
- BLM Ionisation chamber production and testing - Victoria Louise Griffiths /BI-ML
- Development of electrical test-benches for the qualification of the Ionisation Chamber production and its components - Wilker MOREIRA BASTOS /BI-BL
- Performance analysis of the BSRL and possible improvements - Alexander Nicolas JURY /BI-SW
- LHC Luminosity monitors and analysis to validate their calibration - Karla Zertova /BI-PM
- High bandwidth electro-optical Beam Position monitoring for HL-LHC - Daniel HARRYMAN /BI-IQ
- SY-BI Highlights of the year - Thibaut LEFEVRE /BI
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BI Publications
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BI publications are available from EDMS