Please find here the English version of the Operational Circular No. 7 (Rev. 2) and here the French one.

FAQ on telework here (useful information)

Please, make sure to mention the place from which you will telework in all EDH teleworking requests.

Associate Members of the Personnel (MPa) should receive a written approval from their University/Institute and then discuss the telework requests with their CERN supervisor.

Volontaires Internationaux (VI) should follow this process if requesting telework outside France or Switzerland:

In the framework of the Operational Circular No. 07, telework has been approved by the MEAE. If telework is performed outside France or Switzerland, VIs must send an email to the MEAE by using the following template:

Je suis actuellement VI au CERN et je serai en déplacement télétravail du JJ-MM-AAAA au JJ-MM-AAAA, en (PAYS). Je logerai à l'adresse suivante (ADRESSE) et serai joignable au (TELEPHONE).


FTEC should follow this process prior to telework request:

In the framework of the Operational Circular No.07, telework has been approved by CIEMAT under specific conditions. The FTEC programme is a traineeship based on experimental activities, it is then important that work is done on site to get the most of the traineeship.

The following procedure describes the step to follow:

  1. The trainee has to send an email to CIEMAT to justify the request. It should include the following information: telework schedule, arguments to support the need for telework and the suitability for the activity;

  2. The trainee must attach the approval from the CERN supervisor;

  3. The telework request is then checked by CIEMAT and, if necessary, they will contact the trainee for additional information;

  4. CIEMAT communicates in writing the decision;

  5. The decision may be contested. A claim may be filled to the CIEMAT Director General, who will decide. In case the trainee disagrees with the CIEMAT DG’s decision, he might appeal within a month in accordance with the articles 121 and 122 of the law 39/2015, of October 1, of Procedimiento Administrativo Común de las Administraciones Públicas.

In case of doubt, the trainee can always contact CIEMAT.